The New Normal

Personal Growth through the Akashic Records, Past Lives, Human Design and more with Sarah Lawrence

The New Normal

new normal

Here it comes the 11:11

Over the last few days, the new normal and the 11:11 have been making themselves known very loudly.

This morning in the car I reached 111,100 miles and my eyes were drawn to it helplessly — so I stopped and took a picture — and first thing this morning posted some references today to Kryon’s talk of the New Normal (channeled through Lee Carroll, a well-known author, and speaker).

What is the New Normal?

Lee Carroll who channels Kryon says the “New Normal” is here to stay.

More people are having lucid dreams, spiritual awakenings, premonitions, and working with their intuitive growth.

When Edgar Cayce was giving readings, working with the Higher Self was a relatively new idea in the West.

These days we can find lots of resources on intuitive growth, such as

Perhaps like many things we have always had these experiences as humans, but now we can talk about them freely in the West without fear of persecution or  (too much) disdain.

Not that we don’t receive these energies from some people still…it’s just that thank g-d most people don’t act on them now!  Human rights and free speech have come a long way in the Western world.

This is the New Normal. 

Becoming aware of the fact that we are all connected

We can’t just throw trash away ‘somewhere’ because our awareness has expanded enough to understand that ‘somewhere’ isn’t ‘nowhere’ — it’s somewhere else on our planet.

As a race of beings, we are all responsible.   At some point, the tides and winds will wash the same trash back onto our beaches from whence it came.

The New Normal is noticing synchronicity as it happens and staying present and at the moment long enough to notice the connections

Sometimes we can even notice events ahead of time with a premonition if we stay present long enough to notice energy patterns and how some of the greater patterns all connect together.

Bending time?

A change in personal vibration can be noticed by becoming aware of the time-bending effect.

What used to take us an hour only takes us a few minutes…or an enormous amount of time can go by very quickly…and not just because we are enjoying ourselves!

I believe our ability to perceive the nature of reality is changing and as it does our perception of time changes with it.

Visions, ‘visitors’ and spiritual shifts

Many people are noticing interesting visual effects that were perhaps out of the human spectrum of awareness before.

There are those strange ‘orbs’ in photos…now appearing for some to the naked eye…I’ve seen a few and often see colored sparkles around my children as I’m putting them to bed in a darkened room.

Jonas Elrod in his documentary Waking Up and now his SuperSoulSunday series In Deep Shift is bravely sharing both his and others’ journeys of


growth and opening Spiritual awareness.

3D, 4D, 5D, and moreD

Jim Self is now online teaching us about new perceptual realities.  Those waking up are talking about 3D (everyday awareness) as opposed to 4D, 5D, and beyond and physicists are talking about it too.

Whether we are waking up or not, realizing it or not…many of us are experiencing life at a different vibratory rate from this point forward.  And that is the New Normal.


5 Responses

  1. […] on I began to follow the channelings and work of Lee Carrol and Kryon.  Lee is a channel for an entity named Kryon.  It may sound weird to some readers I know, bu on my Spiritual Journey some of Lee’s books […]

  2. […] on I began to follow the channelings and work of Lee Carrol and Kryon.  Lee is a channel for an entity named Kryon.  It may sound weird to some readers I know, but on my Spiritual Journey some of Lee’s books […]

  3. […] I have been fortunate enough to see all three of the above speakers at Kryon Summerlight Conferences. […]

  4. Just asking says:

    You still think “the new normal” is a good thing?

    • Sarah Lawrence says:

      Hi there, thanks for commenting.

      I think the New Normal is inevitable. We all need to evolve on this planet and find our next level of consciousness, no matter how painful a process that may be. During the last 5,000 years, most of humanity has simply battled each other for the top position, whatever that is. Now, we are observing the birth of empathy over war, and people are acting empathetically on their feelings, rather than de-personalizing or demonizing the participants. (Although, there’s always going to be a proportion of people who do that). It’s painful, but we are shifting into 4D consciousness more and more, where humanity will just have to agree that thoughts and intentions affect life and energy. If we don’t evolve, then we shall destroy ourselves as consciousness has done many times before. The choice is ours.

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